Add reference numbers to expenses/bills

Is it possible to add reference numbers to bills & expenses? 
At the end of the year I can export all of my accounts to excel and hand them to my accountant (or give him a login to bullet maybe even!). But they are certainly going to want to have a look through the hard/soft copies of the receipts that I am claiming against the profit that I have made. With hundreds of receipts over the course of 12 months (and I’m a sole trader so don’t have that many, less than 1000) how are they supposed to be able to tie expense entry with hard or soft document? I know I can add my own ‘reference’, but isn’t this adding to the chore of inputing receipts, especially as most users will need this?
I hope this makes sense and apologies in advance if I’ve missed something obvious.

3 answers

Peter Connor Staff January 13, 2015

Hi Finn,
I’m a bit lost, you’re asking can you add reference numbers to bills/expenses but then later you say you add your own reference but that’s adding to your workload?
Just explain to me a little more what you’re trying to do, and I’ll get you better answer. 


finnrichards January 13, 2015

Hi Peter, 
Sure, I’m looking for a way to automate the reference link between a physical or digital receipt and the entry that I add to bullethq. I need this reference so that my accountant/revenue can verify that the expense that I’m claiming is indeed legitimate. 
For example – I enter into Bullet an expense or bill of €100. At the end of the financial year, or if audited by revenue I will have to produce a receipt. But given that I will then have hundreds of receipts how should I keep them organised and tied to the correct entry in Bullet?
It seems that currently Bullet doesn’t provide this reference number automatically, so the only way to do it is manually using the ‘reference’ field on the expense/bill entry area, which seems laborious and prone to error, especially if I’m entering a few hundred receipts at the end of a VAT period.
I’m wondering if I’m missing something?
Thanks in advance,

Peter Connor Staff January 19, 2015

Hi Finn,
You can attach digital documents to invoices, bills etc with in Bullet. 

So you should be able to resolve this issue. If you go to our app store and add the cloud computing app (it’s free) you’ll see the option there. 

Hope that helps



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