1 answer

Peter Connor Staff April 10, 2016

Hi. Your client stripe screenshot looks correct. Do you know what error message they were getting?

  1. accountsace April 10, 2016
    That was me from the client view. Waiting for them to confirm message.
  2. Peter Connor April 10, 2016
    Cool. Looks ok from here. Stripe usually gives you a specific message.
    I'll wait till you get that. Then we can have a look.
    Thanks. Pete
  3. Peter Connor April 10, 2016
    Hi, Did you get any feedback from your client on the stripe error?
  4. accountsace April 10, 2016
    Hi Peter,
    Here's a copy of the message to Stripe support, I can see the error messages for the customer in Stripe logs. Will await to hear from Stripe as I don't think it's a BulletHQ issue.
  5. Peter Connor April 10, 2016
    Cool let me know how you get on. Stripe pretty much make a tunnel through Bullet. We just connect you, to client.
    But, either way let me know.

    Thanks for using Bullet.

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