Hello, I’m getting a little confused setting up a BIK addition for health insurance for my employees. I’m getting confused around the tax breakdown %. I assume USC, PAYE and PRSI should all be paid? One of the premiums is €960, should employer PRSI be 20% for this? I know I should probably talk to our accountants regarding this, but I thought I’d just stop by here first to see if you could shed some light. Thanks a mil, Adam

I’m getting a little confused setting up a BIK addition for health insurance for my employees. I’m getting confused around the tax breakdown %. I assume USC, PAYE and PRSI should all be paid?
One of the premiums is €960, should employer PRSI be 20% for this?
I know I should probably talk to our accountants regarding this, but I thought I’d just stop by here first to see if you could shed some light.
Thanks a mil,

  1. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Hi Adam,
    Have you setup your employees by using the ROS P2C file?
    Have you run payroll for 2016 yet?
  2. Hi Pete,
    I imported the new P2C for this year yes, I haven't run payroll yet. This will be the first of the year.
  3. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Good well that's good news then all your USC, PAYE and PRSI will be correct, once you followed the PRSI class wizard.
    The other question will have to be explained by your accountant we can't give you advice on that. The deductions & additions is how they'll be entered beyond the normal data fields.
    Our payroll is heavily tested and always correct. So once you're accountant sets it up - you should be good to go.
  4. Cool, thanks for the help. I'll get on to them!
  5. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Cool - we'd need to know more info to advice, and we're not accountants so we can't. But once they set it up you'll be rocking.
    Don't forget to claim your mileage - do a test trip to and back from Cork and you'll see what I mena.
  6. I was meaning to test out your app actually. How is it going for you? We're a mobile agency here in Dublin. Would love to sit down with you guys sometime if you had some ideas to run through!
  7. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    We'll be bringing out a completely new 'type' of mbl app in the summer. Very different to what you see now.
    Thank whats app & robots meet her
  8. Awesome sounds good, let us know if you're looking for testflight beta testers!
  9. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Will do, sorry that was meant to read. Think: What's App & Robots meets Her.
    Senior moment!

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