Hello, There is something I do not understand on the payrol and I have a VAT question too
Hello, There is something I do not understand on the payrol and I have a VAT question too
Hello, There is something I do not understand on the payrol and I have a VAT question too
Shoot. On the payroll did you import the p2c file or did you do it manually?
What's the question on the VAT issue?
You can put a request into Revenue to change times, but they usually do it automatically if your VAT returns are low they might bulk them up.
Apart from changing the Tax Period or editing the invoice there is no way to 'merge', tax returns. I'm a bit lost as to why you'd bother with all that hassle. The returns are created automatically for you. Download, Upload and pay. Can't get simpler then that.
Anyway, my advise would be to keep well away from manually editing your accounts for this, again there is no way to do this in Bullet. Bullets designed for zero thinking accounts, people don't want options they just want 'hey, here is your return' blush
Contact Revenue if you want to change your VAT return frequency. As mentioned above that's pretty easy to change in Bullet.
Hope that helps. Pete
If you want to be clever on tax reduction, forget about heating bills, bins, coffees. Just track your mileage and overnight stays. The public sector use it to bump salaries under the radar, it's hugely lucrative.
Sure, when the time expires and you next login you'll be prompted to pay.
Sorry I can't give you more assistance on the Payroll question. We use to chase them probably spending 1-3 hours per call, but 100% of the time it was human error. We can't charge for that and we like to keep the costs as low as possible for customers.