hello, when I registered, I selected no VAT, but now I want to enable it… where can I find that option? thanks!!

hello, when I registered, I selected no VAT, but now I want to enable it… where can I find that option? thanks!!

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff February 5, 2016


Sure we can register you for VAT on Bullet. Please provide the following.

  1. You VAT number.
  2. The date the government registered you for VAT.
  3. Your company name.
  4. The email you use to manage that company in Bullet.


  1. gregorio February 5, 2016
    ah, ok, so you have to enable it?? in that case, I will contact you this week to do so, because I haven't yet my VAT number
  2. gregorio February 5, 2016
  3. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Ah cool - yep we enable it causes to much problems if it's left as a button!
    We're mean like that :)
  4. gregorio February 5, 2016
    Hi Pete!
    I have received my VAT number
    This is the data...
  5. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    We'll do that tonight
  6. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    That's done now Gregorio - welcome to the wonderful world of VAT
  7. gregorio February 5, 2016
  8. gregorio February 5, 2016
    Now I have a couple of problems creating an invoice
  9. gregorio February 5, 2016
    1) After entering the invoice data, when I click on Review, it returns me the following error: Missing Company: Before you start creating invoices, there's a few details we need about your company (not many!). Click Here to enter these details before continuing.
  10. gregorio February 5, 2016
    When i click the link to enter the details, it takes me to my company details, but I think they are OK... anyway, in that form, when I click "Review" to save the data, it says that my VAT number is incorrect
  11. gregorio February 5, 2016
    When I click on Add another line to the invoice, the page fails
  12. gregorio February 5, 2016
    thanks in advance for your help!
  13. gregorio February 5, 2016
    thanks pete
  14. gregorio February 5, 2016
    it seems the first 0 its not necessary in my vat number
  15. gregorio February 5, 2016
    now its ok
  16. gregorio February 5, 2016
    but i still have the other problem
  17. gregorio February 5, 2016
    when I click the Add another line, it seems to load the whole page in the bottom
  18. gregorio February 5, 2016
    I dont't know if you are programmer, but if you are, it seems that the AJAX call it's failing
  19. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Can you send me a screen grab
  20. gregorio February 5, 2016
  21. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Cool - you can upload it here
  22. gregorio February 5, 2016
    you can see there part of the first invoice line details
  23. gregorio February 5, 2016
    and after that, the thing that appears after clicking "add another line"
  24. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Have you javascript turned off?
    Are you on tablet?
  25. gregorio February 5, 2016
    yep, is on... i'm on google chrome on mac
  26. gregorio February 5, 2016
    i will try on safari....
  27. gregorio February 5, 2016
    wow, it works on safari, hehe
  28. gregorio February 5, 2016
    that's strange
  29. gregorio February 5, 2016
    so... problem solved... but... if your engineers want to have a look at the problem... I was using Chrome version 49.0.2623.23 dev (64-bit)
  30. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Cool, we heavily test the app, also if there is an issue like that 1,000 of people complain.
    Bullet is designed for play - just use it and you'll find you'll have all your answers there. Childs Play!
  31. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Sure - well that's browsers. Talk soon.
  32. gregorio February 5, 2016
  33. gregorio February 5, 2016
  34. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Thanks for the info Gregorio. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue (I'm using 47.0.2526.111 Chrome on Mac). If you go to the JavaScript Console on your browser, does it give you more info on the Ajax call failure?
  35. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    PS. How did you get the latest dev version of Chrome? I just updated to the latest release (48.0.2564.97) and can't reproduce it either. Is it Chromium you're using?
  36. gregorio February 5, 2016
    Hi John
  37. gregorio February 5, 2016
    I'm using de dev channel of chrome (https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel), so probably that's the problem
  38. gregorio February 5, 2016
    let me try something...
  39. gregorio February 5, 2016
    ok, i was loading the page in an incognito tab, and the problem still remains, so i'm pretty sure it's a chrome dev version bug
  40. gregorio February 5, 2016
  41. gregorio February 5, 2016
    i guess that that page must respond with a json when requested via ajax
  42. gregorio February 5, 2016
    but it doesn't
  43. gregorio February 5, 2016
    so maybe it's a problem of the request headers on this version of chrome
  44. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Ahh - I think it's the 'ene' that's causing the problem. We expect our dates in English, but the website is supposed to translate from the browser lang to english before the ajax call
  45. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Perhaps type in Jan in the box instead of Ene and see if that works.
  46. gregorio February 5, 2016
    oh yep, you are right
  47. gregorio February 5, 2016
    so i18n problem, hehe
  48. gregorio February 5, 2016
    the thing is that i cant type the date, it's autofilled by the picker
  49. gregorio February 5, 2016
    ok, know i see the problem... is not the picker date...
  50. gregorio February 5, 2016
    it's the date when I first load the page
  51. gregorio February 5, 2016
    the autofilled one
  52. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Ah! Interesting. So if you pick a date from the picker and then click on 'Add Invoice Line', it works as expected?
  53. gregorio February 5, 2016
  54. gregorio February 5, 2016
    <input id="issueDate" name="issueDate" autocomplete="off" class="form-control date" value="28 ene, 2016">
  55. gregorio February 5, 2016
    see the value of the input
  56. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Thanks Gregorio - that gives us something to investigate. That date is actually populated from the server, so I don't know why it's been localised. Let the i18n bug hunt begin!
  57. gregorio February 5, 2016
    look at this...
  58. gregorio February 5, 2016
  59. gregorio February 5, 2016
    it's the locale on the request header the problem, i think
  60. gregorio February 5, 2016
    yep, it is... i have installed an chrome extension to change the locale, and now it works :)
  61. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Is there an accept-language on the ajax request too?
  62. gregorio February 5, 2016
  63. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Hmm. I would have expected it to translate the date on the way in then, in the same way it translated it on the way out.
  64. Peter Connor February 5, 2016
    Thanks Gregorio. I'll take a look at our backend and see why there's an inconsistency.
  65. gregorio February 5, 2016
    no problem!! thank you!!

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