Hi All, I’m moving my accounts to Bullet today. I want to update the Tax section but it won’t manually allow me to enter a figure for my VAT return for previous months. I don’t want to have to enter all previous expenses + Invoices from Sept 14 onwards and ROS already has details of my VAT Returns up until 31 Aug ’15.

Hi All, I’m moving my accounts to Bullet today. I want to update the Tax section but it won’t manually allow me to enter a figure for my VAT return for previous months. I don’t want to have to enter all previous expenses + Invoices from Sept 14 onward and ROS already has details of my VAT Returns up until 31 Aug ’15.

  1. ....cont. I want to either delete the VAT3 Details on Bullet for 01 Sept '14 - 31st Aug '15 or import my current ROS file. Is this possible?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff October 18, 2015

Hi. Just enter all your info. For tax periods already done just go into Tax click the return and mark as paid. 🙂

  1. Peter Connor October 18, 2015
    For Employees just Import your P2c file.
  2. Thanks Peter. Only problem is when I mark as Paid it gives a zero figure for that 2 month period? I got some refunds for some periods and if I create a new VAT3 file from bullet these periods will all show as zero figures won't they? Is there no way to enter the correct information so the new Bullet file will show the correct figure?
  3. Peter Connor October 18, 2015
    Yep. You can use journal entries to by pass the workflows.I'll have to get John to come back to you if that's ok? He'll have a better idea. Should be today/morrow. You can continue to move though just leave the tax alone.
  4. No Problem Peter. I'll deal with it again! Didn't realize the time, the rugby about to start anyway! Thanks again for your time! Dave.
  5. Peter Connor October 18, 2015
    I'm in the pub watching it. That's customer support!
    Common Ireland.
  6. Much Appreciated Peter! Big thumbs up for your support! will let people know how great you are! Enjoy! Thanks Again!
  7. Peter Connor October 18, 2015
    :) lady's only.
  8. Peter Connor October 18, 2015
    Bullet does show VAT refunds etc. but only if you enter all the invoices/bills for that period. If you're just looking to put the historical info in so that your management reports look okay, you can use a manual journal entry (which will be used for the reports) and mark the period as paid. Even though it says zero, the journal entry will ensure the management reports are correct

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