Hi, can you confirm what we are being billed for to date?

Hi, can you confirm what we are being billed for to date?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff June 19, 2016

Sure. Just click on settings (the cog) and click on Account Info

  1. paul.floo June 19, 2016
    Figured it out, there are two linked accounts. I was looking at the wrong one that was showing the last invoice from mid 2015.
  2. paul.floo June 19, 2016
    I have another question while you are there. I need to create an invoice in sterling. Whats the best way to do this?
  3. Peter Connor June 19, 2016
    Just create a stg invoice. You'll see the option in advanced. We're full multi currency right to the back account so you can setup stg or Euro accounts. We do all the tax from currency gain etc automatically.
  4. paul.floo June 19, 2016
    Found it, thats perfect. Thanks for your help.

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