Hi. Have recently started using bullet and am loving it. I can export data but there any way to export bills including the category? Or is this controlled by the type of account I have been set up with. Any help much appreciated. Karen

Hi. Have recently started using bullet and am loving it. I can export data but there any way to export bills including the category? Or is this controlled by the type of account I have been set up with. Any help much appreciated. Karen

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff January 10, 2016

Hi Karen,
Snap Bullet loves Karen heart_eyeskissing_heart

  1. Here are the categories that get exported Issue Date, Supplier, Total. Exchange Rate, Subtotal, VAT, Amount Paid, Due Date, Reference, Home Currency, Total
    The reason we don't export categories is you can have different categories per bill. So for example you might have a bill from the printers. Some of that might be for client work and some might be you. So one goes into Marketing and one Client Services (one company cost - one client costs).
    But, we're looking to bring out reports this year which might fix what you're trying to do. What are exporting data from Bullet for?
  2. Peter Connor January 10, 2016
    Thanks. Need it for in company reporting ... we are still small enough that I can include it manually for now.
  3. Cool - want kind of reporting? You know we build your full management reports for you?
  4. Peter Connor January 10, 2016
    didn't know that. I was only recently set up within the company so haven't seen the whole package. Will talk to those who have full access grinning It's for forecasting .... I want to download the last 4 months of data (once it is completed and ongoing on an monthly basis to populate a excel spreadsheet I can then manipulate!.
  5. Peter Connor January 10, 2016
    Cool we'll we provide live drillable full management reports. On the top nav click Accountant & Reports. You can export them too and they're clickable so you can drill down.
    We'll be bringing out forecasting in the future, but we've kept away from that and some reports because of how poorly people enter data.
    This year we're integrating with a US company called Plaid and the banks in the EU have to open up data.
    This will allow us create a new set of reports. All based on data that we've cleaned and entered correctly. It will also automate a lot of the bank rec.

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