Hi, I’ve some mobile phone bills for the last few months that I want to record as I only go them now. I don’t want to have to go back and redo my VAT returns in the previous periods. Is there a way I can post them all in the current period?

Hi, I’ve some mobile phone bills for the last few months that I want to record as I only go them now. I don’t want to have to go back and redo my VAT returns in the previous periods. Is there a way I can post them all in the current period?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff August 14, 2016

You should be ok putting in today’s date. But, probably good to bounce it off an accountant.

  1. cgjconsult1 August 14, 2016
    ah ok thx....so put the bills in todays date. Will the bank reconciliation cause a problem?
  2. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    It shouldn't.
  3. cgjconsult1 August 14, 2016
    cool, thx
  4. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    If it does it will tell you.
  5. cgjconsult1 August 14, 2016
    Great, thx
  6. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    So try one.

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