How To Enter Expenses Paid To Me By A Client?

Clients often pay me separately to my fee for certain expenses (mostly petrol and tolls). Up to now I have given them an expense report and receipts. Sometimes they pay me in cash, but often by cheque. I keep copies of the receipts. Any suggestions for how to log this money paid in Bullet? I’d rather not invoice them for expenses.

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff March 25, 2014

Hi M&A,
So if clients pay you money separately for expenses then you need to record it in a paper trail. Clients just can’t give you money with no invoice generated, unless they’re a County Councillor and it’s a different set of rules!
I’ve created this little movie to show you how you can do the following to speed things up.
1) Create a line items in invoices called ‘Expenses’, to speed up the invoice creation.
2) Create an invoice and mark it as paid so you can save time. 
Here is the movie, enjoy

  1. milk_and_alcohol March 25, 2014
    This is most helpful! Thanks a million.

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