1 answer

Peter Connor Staff November 15, 2016

You can send the one invoice with two line items one, say, says 10% of job to by paid by x date.
Line two days 90% to be paid by y date.
Or some variation.
Tks p

  1. How about Advanced options?
  2. Peter Connor November 15, 2016
    What's advanced options got to do with anything?
    What ever way you want to do it John. Doesn't really matter.
  3. Excuse me?
  4. Peter Connor November 15, 2016
    I'm a bit lost here John?
  5. Are you the main developer at Bullet?
  6. Peter Connor November 15, 2016
    I own it.
  7. Well it's a mighty service and I still can't believe that I get it for free.
  8. However you might want to improve on your communication skills.
  9. Peter Connor November 15, 2016
    John are you trying to sleep with me, ha ha.
  10. "What ever way you want to do it John. Doesn't really matter." That's hardly helpful
  11. Peter Connor November 15, 2016
    Cool. But, it doesn't matter, there is no technical answer. I'd no tone in that statement so it's the way you read.
    People love the instant chat support they love the fact it's casual.
    No tone sent, sorry if you picked that up.
  12. Nuance can be lost in IM.
  13. See ya.
  14. Peter Connor November 15, 2016
    Cool. Sorry about that. Take care. Pete.

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