Peter, Hi, I am just getting used to this software. Is there any way i can export the entire data set out to excel? I am looking for a report which gives me all the sales. Inv Date – Invoice # – Customer – Invoice lines splits to show various tax rates applied – Description per line item – Net of Tax – Tax – Gross line item per invoice.

Peter, Hi, I am just getting used to this software. Is there any way i can export the entire data set out to excel? I am looking for a report which gives me all the sales. Inv Date – Invoice # – Customer – Invoice lines splits to show various tax rates applied – Description per line item – Net of Tax – Tax – Gross line item per invoice.

  1. See attached report is exported from the system which only has some descriptions & 1 line item for the invoice. There are several on some with different tax rates.

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff November 14, 2016

Hi Shane, if you go to settings you can export all data. That’s currently the only data you can export.
Thanks Pete.

  1. Pete, This report is not good enough surely you have back access to this data. Can you look to e-mail me the information. I am unable to verify tax reports as the link between sales & VAT Rates is not clear. I do not wish to write all this data manually. Thanks
  2. Peter Connor November 14, 2016
    Hi Shane,
    We don't produce customer reports. For us to pull a report like that is the same as writing it.
    Thanks Pete
  3. Ok many thanks
  4. Peter Connor November 14, 2016
    Sure, if you need someone to do some data entry work for you we have 2 people we use. I can pass on the details to you if you wish.

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