Hi guys, quick queary: I’ve not registered any employees for my business (sole trader), but on my to do list it’s saying that I should fill in nil P30 returns? I’m not sure why I’m obligated to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi guys, quick queary: I’ve not registered any employees for my business (sole trader), but on my to do list it’s saying that I should fill in nil P30 returns? I’m not sure why I’m obligated to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff April 10, 2016

You might have added the payroll app. You can just click on the todo and on the right you’ll see a link “mark as paid” just click that.

  1. markoconnorm April 10, 2016
    Ah great thanks.
  2. markoconnorm April 10, 2016
    So i didn't add the payroll app as I'm not drawing a wage from the business yet and I also don't seem to have the option to "mark as paid". Any other ideas why this would appear?
  3. Peter Connor April 10, 2016
    I'll pass it onto the tech team to investigate.
    Here is how you access the mark as paid.
  4. markoconnorm April 10, 2016
    Thanks Peter. When I click into the tax return, there's no option on the right for "mark as paid", just "generate ros file". I did try to add myself as an employee for claiming mileage but then realised I shouldn't as a sole trader so perhaps it's something to do with that?
  5. markoconnorm April 10, 2016
    Actually I've just noticed that I've 9 overdue P30 tax returns since August 2015 so this seems to be since I registered.
  6. markoconnorm April 10, 2016
    Sorry Peter, I seem to have been looking at future payments. I've marked all the overdue ones as paid, but I'd still like to know why Bullet thinks I'm obligated to make these returns. Thanks.
  7. Peter Connor April 10, 2016
    Sure. We'll have a look and get back to you.
  8. markoconnorm April 10, 2016
  9. Peter Connor April 10, 2016
    All limited companies must make p30 returns of they are registered for tax, regardless of the number of employees they have. You're essentially just telling revenue you didn't pay anyone
  10. markoconnorm April 10, 2016
    But I'm not a,limited company I'm a sole trader?

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