Can we reset at our year end

Question: Do we reset Bullet Accounting at our Year End 

We have just finished our year end on 30th June – Once we have finalised our accounts do we reset the system?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff July 23, 2014

The quick answer is no. Accountants work on a year to year basis, doing what they call “Closing off the year end”, and there is good reason to do it from a technical accounting reason especially for large companies, like writing off debt etc.
Bullet is designed for small more cash sensitive businesses, so we don’t have accounting year ends, nor quarters. It’s designed for day to day, month to month accounting because that’s how your business works in the real world.
Encase you are wondering, we still comply with all the Revenue, Companies House structures. 
Hope that helps.

  1. Out end of year (18th months) is due now so what dates do we need to submit to CRO? The full 18 months of accounts? Can I export accounts to go with our B1 for this period?

  2. Peter Connor October 8, 2014
    Hi Alan,

    If you're submitting your accounts and aren't familiar with doing so it would be best to get an accountant or bookkeeper to assist you.

    For the CRO you'll need to submit the information from the last submission I suspect but there might be specific information they need in your case.

    You can export all you management reports, simply go into each report set the time period and click export.


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