Hi, Im a little confused on the expenses overview page. AN employee paid for an expense but the company has not yet paid the employee however the expense is categorised as ‘Paid’. From what perspective should this information be viewed?

Hi, Im a little confused on the expenses overview page. AN employee paid for an expense but the company has not yet paid the employee however the expense is categorised as ‘Paid’. From what perspective should this information be viewed?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff February 6, 2016

Expenses are bills/mileage put against an employee as the employee has PAID for them.
They get added to that employees payroll and expenses statement.
Hope that helps.

  1. Ya thats fine, was just curious how you defined 'Paid'. The employee paid or the company paid the employee. Its clear now.
  2. Can you also tell me when a sale from an invoice gets added to the home 'Sales/Expenses' chart? I created an invoice but haven't sent it to my client yet and it wasn't reflect in the home screen chart.
  3. Is it reflected when the invoice has been set to 'Paid'?
  4. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Invoices have 3 stages. Estimate, Sent, Paid. The charts show paid.
    Bullets designed for play. Add items to see how it works. Delete when your finished. Easy!
  5. Ya. great idea. Thanks for your help.
  6. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    No prob. Enjoy.
  7. Any plans on releasing a mobile app with more features?
  8. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    In the summer but I've no more info than that.
  9. Great stuff. Im a massive fan of what you are doing and I'll spread the word!
  10. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Shane. You just got yourself an new BFF.
  11. hahaha cheers!

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