Hi, I’ve been reading about you app that receipts can be uploaded to but i cant seem to find the download. Can you please advise?

Hi, I’ve been reading about you app that receipts can be uploaded to but i cant seem to find the download. Can you please advise?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff September 7, 2016

We updated our security in accordance with Apple for our iphone receipt tracking app. 
Apple have identified a bug which they’re fixing, here is a work around for your receipts http://goo.gl/8bnfHR (refresh the page if you don’t see the movie)
We’re currently working on a new version of our app, the Android version is out of Beta and soon to be released. Apple won’t be too far later. 
Sorry for the issues but it’s a bit out of our control. We’ll let you know when the new app is released. 
Thanks Pete

  1. shadyandthelamp9 September 7, 2016
    Okay. Thank you
  2. Peter Connor September 7, 2016
    Sorry about that - Apple just pushed this changed that killed everything. Are you an iphone Andriod user

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