Hi there, any guidance on completing my VAT RTD via bullet? I cannot seem to extract VAT info to excel to track different rates, EU reverse charge etc

Hi there, any guidance on completing my VAT RTD via bullet? I cannot seem to extract VAT info to excel to track different rates, EU reverse charge etc

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff February 6, 2016

Hi, We don’t have a workflow built for the VAT RTD. 
The easiest way to do it is to export your invoices/bills and filter out the international ones and then you can create your return. 
Hope that helps. Pete

  1. patrickmcclaf February 6, 2016
    Okay thanks Pete
  2. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Hi P,
    We'll work on making this easier. For use to run a report is the same work as creating the return. So we'll try and work on a half way post.
    As you know RTD is only being enforced now. So we're playing a bit of catchup.
    Thanks P
  3. patrickmcclaf February 6, 2016
    Agreed, Revenue have also promised to make the return easier and more auto-populated, it's a seriously ugly return now! One final thing for your consideration...rounding of VAT returns, a small one but would be nice to have.
  4. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Hi Patrick,
    I know we actually thought they'd ditch the whole idea. As you know Revenue/EU bring out things there's a panic and nothing happens.
    Clients think accounts/rev/eu are all set in stone. I wish.
    So we'll work on making it easier or getting the info easier.
    What issue are you having round the lack of rounding. We allow you to auto adjust the return but within the limits of revenue.
    Just explain your point a little more and I'll pass it onto our tax guy. Tks P
  5. patrickmcclaf February 6, 2016
    Oh I think it's just that when I mark as paid it goes in as the exact amount and not rounded. Maybe I need to look at it myself
  6. Peter Connor February 6, 2016
    Cool, no problem. Thanks

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