How Can I Record An Amended P35 in Bullets Online Payroll Software?

Q: How Can I Record An Amended P35 in Bullets Online Payroll Software?

ROS provides an option to amend a submitted P35, as long as it is within 6 months of the original P35 end date.  How can I record this amendment in Bullet?

  1. Peter Connor April 17, 2014

    What is the amendment you want to make?

  2. Hi Pete,
    The amendment reflects an increase in the amount of income tax paid as a result of an additional salary payment made to a director for the year in question. This additional salary payment often comes as a result of performing end of year returns, and ROS provides the facility to make this correction following a P35 submission.

    As I have already processed a P35 in Bullet, I suspect I need to update this now to reflect the update. Is it a case of deleting the original and recreating (assuming it picks up the additional income tax paid)?

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