1 answer

Peter Connor Staff October 7, 2016

Did you just get registered for Vat?

  1. ronankavan2 October 7, 2016
    A while back. Looking for the number as we speak.
  2. Peter Connor October 7, 2016
    Ok then you current account isn't setup for VAT. If you click TAx on the left you should see Vat on the right of the TAx page.
  3. ronankavan2 October 7, 2016
    I see. I entered some expenses in the last few months inclusive of VAT. Can I edit them to show the VAT / strip it out?
  4. Peter Connor October 7, 2016
    Well you can edit them but if your not vat register then you've to pay the vat (you just can't claim it back).
    If you edit the totals they won't match your bank account.
    If your registered for Vat you have to charge it.
  5. ronankavan2 October 7, 2016
    I have paid it already so presumably can claim it back as credit later. THanks
  6. Peter Connor October 7, 2016
    Im not 100% sure.
    The idea of Vat registered business is you can claim but also have to charge Vat. A breach of charge/claim would be a breach of the law.
  7. ronankavan2 October 7, 2016
    Only raising invoices now. I'll sort it out with my accountant later. Thanks for your help. Up and running now Pete. Ronan

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