I’m having a bother with bank reconciliation. I’ve marked a bill as paid with the wrong credit card ages ago (17th March). I filed the vat return so it won’t allow me to change it back to the correct credit card.

I’m having a bother with bank reconciliation. I’ve marked a bill as paid with the wrong credit card ages ago (17th March). I filed the vat return so it won’t allow me to change it back to the correct credit card.

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff August 15, 2016

So was it for a different amount or just you picked the wrong credit card?

  1. martinye August 15, 2016
    Just picked the wrong card by mistake
  2. Peter Connor August 15, 2016
    Ok. So let me come back to you. There is either an easy fix or a horrendous fix. I'm 90% on a easy fix but I'll need to check.
  3. martinye August 15, 2016
    Eek. If its horrendous then maybe I'll pretend I never copped it
  4. Peter Connor August 15, 2016
    Ha. That's too funny. Yep I'd be the same. I'll get back to you later today or tomorrow am with the exact fix either way.

    #pray4martin is already trending on the twitter machine.
  5. martinye August 15, 2016
    Thanks very much. There's no mad panic anyway. By the way its a great product. Love using it
  6. Peter Connor August 15, 2016
    Great thanks Martin
    I'll deffo have an answer for you latest 10am tomorrow. Pretty sure I know the answer but don't want you to end up doing time.
    Talk soon.
  7. Peter Connor August 15, 2016
    Hi Martin,
    Good news. So you can do the following: I've made a rough mock for you here doing the below. http://recordit.co/6L04kuhZNX
    Click on the VAT period that's the credit card happened you'll find it in Tax.
    Click on the "Mark as Unpaid", button on the right.
    Click on the Credit Card payment and delete the payment (good to make a note of the dates, amounts as Bullet will reset etc)
    Delete the payment for that credit card
    Create a new payment for that credit card and change the credit card obviously.
    Now the credit card is marked as paid and you've changed credit card
    Go back to that VAT period and click "mark as paid".
    That's it now you can party like it's 1999
  8. martinye August 15, 2016
    Thanks Peter. That’s fantastic!

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