P2c Import question. Im trying to import details from my old Income tax was paid. I downloaded the file and tried to import it on the Business Bullet account. I am getting an error saying: Wrong P2C File This P2C file appears to be for a different company ({0}, Tax Number {1}). Have you specified the right tax number for your company in ‘Settings > Registered Details’?

P2c Import question.
Im trying to import details from my old Income tax was paid. I downloaded the file and tried to import it on the Business Bullet account.
I am getting an error saying:
Wrong P2C File
This P2C file appears to be for a different company ({0}, Tax Number {1}). Have you specified the right tax number for your company in ‘Settings > Registered Details’?

  1. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016
    or can I temp change my tax number to import and change it back?
  2. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff August 14, 2016

So Bullets asking you have you the right tax number in.
You can set the tax number in settings on the top right.

  1. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016
    I have the new company I formed tac number in. Not my old tax number I had as a sold trader.
  2. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016
    I was not a PAYE worker before, so maybe I dont have a valid p2c form?
  3. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    So did you set up a new Bullet account for your Limited Company.
  4. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016
  5. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016
    I am trying to set me up as a employee / director on it
  6. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    Cool. Is this the new P2C file that revenue created for your new company?
  7. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016
    No, I have not got access to it yet. It is from my old ROS login
  8. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    Ok. So wait till you get your new ROS details.
  9. magicmirror1 August 14, 2016
    ok, cheers

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