Hello, Is there a way to display my customers country and sales tax number on their invoices?
Is there a way to display my customers country and sales tax number on their invoices?
Is there a way to display my customers country and sales tax number on their invoices?
Sorry for the delay I just wanted to create some videos for you.
Sure, if you click on Invoice Settings you’ll see your invoice template and you can country there, see here
Here is how you add your sale tax numbers
Anything to do with branding is in the invoice settings, this is to allow multiple brands etc. Anything to do with the company (static) is in settings.
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More coming on Payment integrations especially for SaaS, and product sales should be live this week.
Templates are tricky, the invoice was a huge amount of work with a tone of moving parts. We decided to go for large headers as a way to make it very customisable, without actually customising the template.
We spend time every month on the invoice.
So with Austria's tax it's so complex you can't use any accounting product for it, or you just can't use Bullet. Did Wave or Xero not work?
Everything to do with invoices is in invoice settings except the legal company stuff.