hi guys, sorry to bother you again,just spent some time on the phone with my accountants about this – from what we can both tell all nicolas EmployER PRSI is missing from her payslips

hi guys, sorry to bother you again,just spent some time on the phone with my accountants about this – from what we can both tell all nicolas EmployER PRSI is missing from her payslips

  1. declan25 June 25, 2016
    ( so the P30 for each month is lower than it should be)
  2. declan25 June 25, 2016
    by ~€180
  3. declan25 June 25, 2016
    it's not line stemmed anywhere on her payslips
  4. declan25 June 25, 2016
    any ideas?
  5. declan25 June 25, 2016
    *line itemed
  6. declan25 June 25, 2016
    that's the Jan Payslip for Nicola from my accountants
  7. declan25 June 25, 2016
    and the one from bullet

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff June 25, 2016

Hi Declan, 
Did you set up Nicola with the P2C file?

  1. declan25 June 25, 2016
  2. declan25 June 25, 2016
    well.. i'm pretty sure I did...
  3. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Hi Declan. I would expect there to be €181.37 in employer PRSI on her payslips. We'll investigate and get back to you.
  4. declan25 June 25, 2016
    yeah, that's what we cam cup with here too
  5. declan25 June 25, 2016
    cool, thanks
  6. declan25 June 25, 2016
    I have the P2C file redownloaded here, let me know if you want me to upload it again
  7. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Ok so it sounds you didn't :) Our payroll is prettily heavily tested. Everyone who creates an employee usually makes a mistake on some cut or rate, or doesn't have the correct info from Revenue.
    Just go to ROS and download your latest P2C file and upload it into Bullet.
  8. declan25 June 25, 2016
    just did that there, should I delete her wage records for 2-16 and remake now yeah?
  9. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Have you make a P30 payment on them?
  10. declan25 June 25, 2016
    I made the P30 payments that the accountants filed until now
  11. declan25 June 25, 2016
    so changing them should hopefully make them match
  12. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    If you've made P30 payments for that period you can't alter the salaries.
  13. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Have you make a P30 payment on them?
  14. declan25 June 25, 2016
    not through bullet no
  15. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Dec please just answer the question. Have you make a P30 payment on them?
  16. declan25 June 25, 2016
    yes i have
  17. declan25 June 25, 2016
    but not with the incorrect numbers
  18. declan25 June 25, 2016
    *the accountants have, through there system
  19. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    So you're comparing Bullets results with the accountant's results?
  20. declan25 June 25, 2016
  21. declan25 June 25, 2016
    thought that was clear
  22. declan25 June 25, 2016
    that's where i noticed the P30 issue
  23. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Nope it wasn't.
    Is there anything fringe around this employee. Like is she on the dole and claiming some benefits or job bridge etc?
  24. declan25 June 25, 2016
    nope. the only issue is the one that we discussed yesterday which is that we get a stipend of 312.50 a month via JobsPlus for her
  25. declan25 June 25, 2016
    she was on jobsbridge before she came on staff
  26. declan25 June 25, 2016
    that was early 2015
  27. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Cool. Is she NOW on any kind of Is there anything fringe around this employee. Like is she on the dole and claiming some benefits or job bridge etc?
  28. declan25 June 25, 2016
  29. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Sorry Dec, just need to know the detail on this.
    Cool. So Bullet gets heavily tested on payroll.
    Start using Bullet from the next P30 payment that your accountants make. When you start that import the latest P2C file from that period.

    Whatever is the difference between the two your accountants will need to organise with you and revenue.
    The P2C files are always correct and Bullets rules are always correct, esp around standard payments.
    Always use the P2C when creating employees. It only takes a second and ensures everything is correct smile
    Hope that helps.
    So just to recap.
    Stay with accountants till next P30
    Migrate to Bullet with latest P2C file.
    Difference you're accountants need to rectify with Revenue and yourself.
    From that point on you won't have payroll issues, once you use the P2C file.

    Thanks Pete
  30. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Can you send us Nicola's P2C file please Declan so we can investigate further.
  31. declan25 June 25, 2016
    seems to be correct now when I do up this months payslips
  32. declan25 June 25, 2016
    thanks for the help
  33. Peter Connor June 25, 2016

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