Hi, I am have been using the system for the past few weeks and have found it very useful. I have one employee who doesn’t earn enough to pay USC. is there a way to amend this so as it isn’t deducted. Thanks in adavnce, David Owens Thanks

I am have been using the system for the past few weeks and have found it very useful. I have one employee who doesn’t earn enough to pay USC. is there a way to amend this so as it isn’t deducted. Thanks in adavnce, David Owens

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff November 16, 2016

Hi David. It’s very very rare someone doesn’t have to pay USC.
Did you manually setup the employee?

  1. Hi Pete, yes I set up manually. I have a Montessori school and we only work part time 38 weeks of the year and salary is paid over ten months which amounts to less than 12k.
    Thanks for prompt response
  2. Peter Connor November 16, 2016
    Hi David.
    We strongly push people not to use manual setups on payroll. Every issue we had in the past has been down to simple human errors that anyone can make.
    We provide a P2C file import.
    I'll find out if this can be manually amended. I have a memory of a similar call where the person has to pay USC and then claim it back
    I'll confirm.
  3. Hi Pete,
    Let me know which is best way to amend, I did use the assumptions for tax to set up.
    We have been instructed that my employee doesn't need to pay USC by revenue.
  4. Peter Connor November 16, 2016
    Hi David,
    I just talked to accounts this is their responce. "Yes, everyone in the country has to pay USC, regardless of how much or little they make. Only revenue (through P2C files) can declare an employee USC exempt. If you have paid for USC but did get paid above the threshold, you call the revenue commissioners and they will refund you.".
    So it look like you're employee will pay USC unless otherwise instructed in the P2C file. Then they can claim it back.
    Hope that helps.

  5. Hi Pete,
  6. I have tried to set up using P2C file but keep getting the following error see attached,
  7. Peter Connor November 16, 2016
    That looks like and Excel issue, I'm afraid we don't support excel.
    But, you know you can't open P2C files they're for machine reading only.
    I think Revenue have a P2C file reader on your ROS site, and you can simply import the file into Bullet under the wages file.


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