Hi I have recently changed my company to a limited company. It is a new company will i have to setup a new bullet account or can i still use this one?

Hi I have recently changed my company to a limited company. It is a new company will i have to setup a new bullet account or can i still use this one?

  1. graemeji June 25, 2016
    its the same company basically but willhave anew bank account etc

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff June 25, 2016

Hi. Great news. Much better for reducing tax wink
You’ll have to create a new account and pick limited company in the signup drop down.
The accounts for sole trader and limited are very different.

  1. graemeji June 25, 2016
    Yeah that's the plan anyway. Is it more expensivce
  2. graemeji June 25, 2016
  3. Peter Connor June 25, 2016
    Create a new account
    Go to money out and click mileage. Add a trip from Dublin to Cork and back. See the total that comes off your tax ie more in your pay!
  4. graemeji June 25, 2016
    Yeah thats what i heard alright defo need to start getting in this
  5. graemeji June 25, 2016
    Its a nor Brainer
  6. graemeji June 25, 2016

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