Hi, my tax calculations seem to have gone a bit haywire.

Hi, my tax calculations seem to have gone a bit haywire.

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff August 15, 2016


  1. joanne15 August 15, 2016
    I changed the tax payment frequency and I may have done something wrong.
  2. joanne15 August 15, 2016
    For example, VAT for the period of 1st May - 30th June is giving a figure of €128 however according the the invoices relevant to that period, it should be a different much larger figure.
  3. Peter Connor August 15, 2016
    What did your accountant say?
  4. joanne15 August 15, 2016
    I haven't asked him about it yet, I just wanted to make a ROS return so was trying to pull out the figure.
  5. Peter Connor August 15, 2016
    Cool. I'm not sure what the answer is Joanne. If you've altered the tax schedule it might have affect.
    Bullets usually never wrong on the VAT calcs
    Talk to your accountant and see what he says. We're not accountants so can't advice.
    Sorry I don't have an answer for you. But just know Bullets usually never wrong so it's probably something with the change over.
    NB. Don't file a tax return till you've resolved this. It's a mess trying to fix it.
    I'm sure your accountant will spot it easily.
    Thanks Pete
  6. joanne15 August 15, 2016
    That's fine, thanks.
  7. Peter Connor August 15, 2016
    Cool. Thanks Joanne.

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