Hi Pete. I need to update an employee’s tax info. If I import a current p2c will her details automatically update?

Hi Pete. I need to update an employee’s tax info. If I import a current p2c will her details automatically update?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff February 10, 2017

Yep. Always use the P2C file, it’s always 100% right. We don’t support manual updates any more. Always problems that tax ages to find. 
So just import it as normal, we’ll update everything automatically. smile

  1. Super... Im featuring Bullet HQ at a training session in my Local Business Network in 3 weeks. Expect new sign ups
  2. Peter Connor February 10, 2017
    Great - thanks for that. We're launching a new website before that so they should get better information about Bullet.
    We tried a lot of trainers to promote Bullet, but they're usually promoting accounting and we just want to automate it :(
  3. Oh great. Look forward to that... Could I put is a feature request? I'm sending out statements every month to people who have invoices overdue. Thats 60-70 statements Any way you could add a feature to send out statements in one go?
  4. Peter Connor February 10, 2017
    Sure we'll look at that. We'll probably bring in a feature to send auto reminders to people as well.
    Thanks Pete
  5. Well that would be a huge help in its own right... Thanks for that.

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