Hi Peter do you know how to change the payment date on the invoice its on 30 days default and i have to change on everyone cheersd

Hi Peter do you know how to change the payment date on the invoice its on 30 days default and i have to change on everyone cheersd

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff February 20, 2016

Hi G, 

There is no current way of changing the default form 30 days for every invoice automatically. We’re looking to change that though. 
Should be done soon – we’re just revisiting the invoices at the moment. 

  1. Cheers everytime i havent sent one in a while i forget to change can it.
  2. Peter Connor February 20, 2016
    I know - it's the legal default but we'll look to make that easier without you having to spent about 10 million years setting up your invoice.
  3. no worries even you had it in the screen and not have to go to advanced options you would see it anyway,before everyone thinks they have 30 days credit hahah
  4. Peter Connor February 20, 2016
    Give them 30 days credit and then charge them 1% per day for the credit!
  5. yeah exactly

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