Hi Peter, I wanted to ask about the online invoicing solution. I’ve signed up for the trial but I’m not sure I understand how it works. The preview doesn’t show any buttons or links to an online payment option so I’m wondering how the client knows to pay this way? Am I missing something?

Hi Peter, I wanted to ask about the online invoicing solution. I’ve signed up for the trial but I’m not sure I understand how it works. The preview doesn’t show any buttons or links to an online payment option so I’m wondering how the client knows to pay this way? Am I missing something?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff January 6, 2017

So the preview is just the view for you. If you click client view you’ll see what the client sees. 
You’ll need to add online payments from the app store to be able to take payments. 

Thanks pete

  1. Ok, thanks. Where do I find the Client View link?
  2. Peter Connor January 6, 2017
    When you create an invoice you'll see client view, or simply send yourself an invoice.
  3. Ok. Got it. Thanks

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