Hi there, I can’t seem to find where to add my company tax details?

Hi there, I can’t seem to find where to add my company tax details?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff April 9, 2016

Hi, if you click on the cog on the right you’ll find all the company stuff.

  1. infosow April 9, 2016
    yes, saw that but no tax details? Or anywhere to add them?
  2. infosow April 9, 2016
    sorry am I missing it?
  3. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    No, you just click edit on company info and add your tax number.
  4. infosow April 9, 2016
    I'm missing it
  5. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    You must be a sole trader, you don't have to enter your details. You are the company so everything that happens in Bullet/Bank account is part of that company and tax liable.
  6. infosow April 9, 2016
    No, it's an incorporated company - the company number is there. I just didn't have my tax registration set up when I set up the bullet accounts and I've just got the details today.
  7. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    Have you just registered for VAT?
  8. infosow April 9, 2016
  9. infosow April 9, 2016
    and corporation tax
  10. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    We can register you for VAT on Bullet. Please provide the following.
    1) You VAT number.
    2) The date the government registered you for VAT.
    3) Your company name.
    4) The email you use to manage that company in Bullet.
    Thanks Pete
  11. infosow April 9, 2016
    thanks a mil
  12. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    Great we'll do that tonight for you, we need to migrate the account. We hide it from users cause it makes a mess if you do it wrong.
    You're VAT returns will be correct and automated you'll see them appear in your todo list.
    Thanks PEte
  13. infosow April 9, 2016
    That's super thanks Pete
  14. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    That's done now, so you'll see the VAT dropdowns when creating an Invoice or Bill from now on.
  15. infosow April 9, 2016
    Great- thanks a million.
  16. infosow April 9, 2016
    Now, sorry another question:
  17. infosow April 9, 2016
    How do I break out the VAT on receipted expenses?
  18. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    I don't understand. You just enter the VAT on the bill. If you don't have a VAT box on your receipt entry form them your account on Bullet isn't registered for VAT.
  19. infosow April 9, 2016
    You just set me up with the VAT number last night. But yesterday I entered a bunch of receipts - some of which had VAT on them - but yesterday there was no VAT box, so no VAT was entered. There's no Vat box on the receipts already entered. And it won't let me edit.
  20. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    Ah so your questions is how do I enter VAT on receipts I've already added?
  21. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    You can only reclaim VAT from the day you were registered for VAT, you can't back date it to a time when you weren't registered for VAT.
    If you want to edit bills from that date forward you'll need to delete the bills and add it again.
    Thanks Pete
  22. infosow April 9, 2016
    Ok, I'll delete and re-enter - thanks
  23. infosow April 9, 2016
    By the way I'm so impressed with your helpdesk. And the system more generally. amazing.
  24. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    Thanks, well spread the word! It's good value right? A full accounting product like this 4 years ago would have cost 4k, never might the cost of calling your accountant every time you couldn't figure it out :(
  25. infosow April 9, 2016
    My accountant wouldn't send me a reminder to upload a VAT return either. I'll be spreading the word don't worry.
  26. Peter Connor April 9, 2016
    Bet he wouldn't send you a birdie either

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