Hi there, I can’t seem to find where to add my company tax details?
Hi there, I can’t seem to find where to add my company tax details?
Hi there, I can’t seem to find where to add my company tax details?
Hi, if you click on the cog on the right you’ll find all the company stuff.
1) You VAT number.
2) The date the government registered you for VAT.
3) Your company name.
4) The email you use to manage that company in Bullet.
Thanks Pete
You're VAT returns will be correct and automated you'll see them appear in your todo list.
Thanks PEte
That's done now, so you'll see the VAT dropdowns when creating an Invoice or Bill from now on.
You can only reclaim VAT from the day you were registered for VAT, you can't back date it to a time when you weren't registered for VAT.
If you want to edit bills from that date forward you'll need to delete the bills and add it again.
Thanks Pete