Hi there, Our P30 for the last quarter of 2016 was overpaid by 7117.90 – I just want to investigate why this may have happened before responding to the Revenue? Thanks, Rosa

Hi there, Our P30 for the last quarter of 2016 was overpaid by 7117.90 – I just want to investigate why this may have happened before responding to the Revenue? Thanks, Rosa

  1. 2015*

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff February 20, 2016

Hi Rosa.
Did you manually setup the employees?

  1. Hi Peter, Any employees I set up have been setup using P2C files but when I started (March) this may have been done manually.
  2. Peter Connor February 20, 2016
    Hi Rosa,
    So our Payroll product is heavily tested so it rarely throws up a bug. I think twice in the past 5yrs, and they were for fringe cases.
    Any issue we've had has been over manual creation. This gets compounded by the pay Revenue take tax, tax allowances and thresholds that's why you can get spikes in salary tax.
    Either way you'll need to contact Revenue, then let us know what they said and we'll have a look. But it's 100% of the time manual errors from employees created manually. It's tricky so it happens.
    Good work on only using the P2C file. I think we might end up hiding the manual entry next year. The P2C is efficient and always correct, why add the hassle!
    Let me know what revenue say. I then start with checking the entries that the manual employees have against what revenue say.
    You can also get issues where someone's tax wasn't done correctly in a previous job and then their tax this year gets bumped up, wrong USC rate etc.
    Anyway let me know what Revenue say and we'll have a look.

  3. Hi Pete, Great! Will send them an email now and let you know what they get back with. Don't worry we will only be using P2C's in future :)
  4. Peter Connor February 20, 2016
    Great - just makes your life easier.
    Hope all is well in the Dojo.

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