Hi there! Would it be possible to start this account from 1st May 2016? I did not realise that I had set this up so long ago but will be using it from this financial year onwards. Can you let me know what I need to do please? Many thanks!

Hi there! Would it be possible to start this account from 1st May 2016? I did not realise that I had set this up so long ago but will be using it from this financial year onwards. Can you let me know what I need to do please? Many thanks!

  1. hanneke.vanq September 7, 2016
    Maybe I should add, this account has not been used, however the Tax tab requests all the P30's and VAT calculations back to 2012. Hope that makes sense. Thanks, Hanneke

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff September 7, 2016

Hi Hanneke.
You’ve two options.
1) if the account is empty just start a new one.
2) Just mark all the tax returns as paid.
Bullet doesn’t operate on start/stop times. SMB’s operate on a day to day bases, so we follow that.
Hope that helps.

  1. hanneke.vanq September 7, 2016
    Hi Peter,
    Thanks for that, I can't create a new account with the same email though. It says email already registered. Any suggestions? If that is too cumbersome, I'll work away all the tax things and start afresh.

  2. Peter Connor September 7, 2016
    Hi Hanneke,
    Sure you can just create it under a different email and then switch the emails using multi user mode. Take about 2 minutes.
    Follow these steps:
    Add the multi user app
    Add your new email address
    Make new email address admin
    Login as new email address
    Open multi user app
    Delete your old email address
    Uninstall the multi user app.
    Or if you want just give me the email assocaited with the account and we'll delete it in the back end.

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