Payment Made On Invoice With VAT Confusion?

Invoice With VAT Confusion

Hi, I wasn’t registered for VAT in 2013 and when I add an invoice from a supplier €19.99+vat = €24.59 but when I mark as payment made it removes the VAT and says, ‘On 4 March, 2013, you paid Supplier €19.99’ with no mention of the VAT or that I paid €24.59? Is this right? I would have thought the total would still be an expense €24.59 even though I wasn’t VAT registered?

This has really stopped me in my tracks inputting 100s of supplier invoices so I appreciate your help asap.

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1 answer

Peter Connor Staff October 14, 2014

Its deducting the vat and saying I paid the ex VAT amount for some reason so Im having to add supplier invoices inclusive of VAT at a 0 rate. see steps 


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