Transaction fees & Bank Reconciliation’s – SOS

Transaction fees – Free Online Small Business Accounting Software Questions & Answers

Hi All,

I have a quick question about Bank Reconciliation’s.
We started using Bullet yesterday but are a little lost with reconciling transactions and haven’t been able to approve any as of yet, hope you can help.

This is an example of the situation we’re in:

We had an order from a customer for €95.97 however the final amount we received after fee’s was €92.85.
We’ve created 2 separate bills for the transaction fee’s (one was Shopify and the other Stripe) so now need to add these to the invoice in order to reconcile correctly.
Is there a way to do this or are we going about it the wrong way?
Any help is appreciated!

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff January 4, 2016

Did I answer this question for you already – it sounds familiar?

  1. MrJenks January 4, 2016
    Hi Pete, you answered something similar about separating amounts to bills but nothing about adding a bill to reconciliation
  2. Peter Connor January 4, 2016
    So in the example above. One is an invoice and one is a bill.

    Shopfy money in - is an invoice.
    Stripe is a fee - a bill.

    Does that make sense?


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