1 answer

Peter Connor Staff December 19, 2015

Yep, Bullet generates all your mid year tax returns P30, P35l, and VAT3

  1. How i can use these benefits? Or bullet has them integrated by default (free plan)?
  2. Peter Connor December 19, 2015
    VAT3 is free, along with invoicing, and a full multi currency accounting app.
    P30 & P35l are part of the payroll app. That's in the app store and not free.
  3. Peter Connor December 19, 2015
    Payroll pricing is on the homepage https://www.bullethq.com/#pricing
  4. Thank for your help. I have found everything i wanted to see. Have a nice evening!
  5. Peter Connor December 19, 2015
    Great - you too. Hope we could help. Anything else just let me know.

    If you're doing Irish payroll for the first time make sure you use the P2C file that Revenue give you. You can import it into Bullet and Bullet will setup all the employees correctly for you.

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