Hi Peter – I’m reviewing my VAT3 in bullet and it’s showing VAT paid out on the date of invoice issue, not the date of invoice payment. Am I missing something here? Thanks. Meant to add that it means the payment is appearing on the wrong VAT3. I assumed that the field "When was the bill issued" meant the invoice date. Some more info. In Tax>Overview>Paid the previous VAT3 is showing a minus figure when there was only VAT on sales due (no purchases) I guess this is an amendment as I recorded a payment out and it has recorded it as the invoice date, pushing it back into the previous VAT3. So maybe the same issue???

Hi Peter – I’m reviewing my VAT3 in bullet and it’s showing VAT paid out on the date of invoice issue, not the date of invoice payment. Am I missing something here? Thanks.
Meant to add that it means the payment is appearing on the wrong VAT3. I assumed that the field “When was the bill issued” meant the invoice date. Some more info. In Tax>Overview>Paid the previous VAT3 is showing a minus figure when there was only VAT on sales due (no purchases)
I guess this is an amendment as I recorded a payment out and it has recorded it as the invoice date, pushing it back into the previous VAT3. So maybe the same issue???

2 answers

Peter Connor Staff December 4, 2016

Hi. Our system is designed for VAT on a cash basis (when your paid mark the invoice as paid).
The system can be changed to invoice basis if requested.
Our VAT engine is heavily tested and has been running for 6 years with out issue.
Your account might shed some light on it.
The system isn’t producing any errors.
Let me know what they find.
Thanks Pete

  1. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    OK but I recorded the invoice and marked it as paid at the same time. Under Money Out>Overview is there no way to see the "paid" date?
Peter Connor Staff December 4, 2016

If you click on the invoice you’ll see the payment date. 
Thanks Pete

  1. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    OK thanks, but the problem is with invoice I have paid. I want to see the date bullet says it was paid?
  2. Peter Connor December 4, 2016
    If you click on the invoice you'll see the payment date.
  3. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    can I send you a screenshot on this chat?
  4. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    Sorry, just saw the paperclip at the bottom
  5. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    I would be grateful if you could take a look at the following, I think it is an error in the system...
  6. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    In the first screen, the bill was issued 22. August and paid 12 September.
  7. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    In the second screen you can see that the payment is being listed by it's issue date, not payment date. This means that it is shown in the wrong VAT3 period - jul/aug instead of sept/oct.
  8. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    I created a new dummy bill to check this and the behaviour is the same - the "issue" date of the bill appears to determine the VAT3 period.
  9. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    Sorry for the hassle on Friday night.
  10. Peter Connor December 4, 2016
    I'll have a look at this for you now.
  11. Peter Connor December 4, 2016
    Hi E,
    So I'd to ask out technical accounts team on this.
    Here is their response "In terms of VAT, you don't owe any VAT on invoices until you are paid, but you can claim back VAT on a bill as soon as you receive it (not just when you pay it). This is a quirk of the Irish VAT system designed to help business' with their cash-flow (when they are doing Invoice receipts basis VAT)."
    Hope that helps.
  12. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    OK Pete, thanks for explaining that. Can I suggest it would be a nice option to choose which payment date applies to a bill. In my case when I entered the bill the issue date was in the last VAT3 period which I had already closed, and now requires someone to fix the ledgers
  13. Peter Connor December 4, 2016
    Hi Ed. I'd keep away from manually editing the ledgers.
    Bullets designed for full automation. People don't want to know, learn or edit their accounts. So we optimise it for the best small business accounting.
    Your ledgers will be fine.
    Thanks Pete.
  14. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    Cheers Pete, I suppose it would be best to submit an amended VAT3 but I've can't figure out how to do that through ROS!
  15. Peter Connor December 4, 2016
    Why do you need to change anything. Bullet won't allow errors?
  16. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    OK so I was slow to enter in this particular bill, After I put the bill in, it's issue date fell into the previous, already submitted, VAT3 period. So now bullet shows a minus figure against the VAT3 under "Tax". This is in effect the T2 figure which has changed due to me being late with the bill.
  17. Peter Connor December 4, 2016
  18. Stepien8 December 4, 2016
    One last question Pete. Are bank charges and such treated as bills or how do you get them into Bullet? Thanks.
  19. Peter Connor December 4, 2016
    Sorry I missed this, yep they're just bills. Everything receipts, bills are all just bills.
  20. Stepien8 December 4, 2016

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