Hi there, having difficulty updating an employee record this morning. What am I trying to do? I’m trying to add an email address to my employee, James Byrne. I open the employee profile and click Edit. After adding his email, I’m blocked from saving because the employees tax details are blank.

Hi there, having difficulty updating an employee record this morning. What am I trying to do? I’m trying to add an email address to my employee, James Byrne. I open the employee profile and click Edit. After adding his email, I’m blocked from saving because the employees tax details are blank.

  1. theproduct August 14, 2016
    Yet, I uploaded a p2c file for this employee when I added this employee 2 months agao. Ineed when I view this employee's record in Bullet, I can see his cutoff details
  2. theproduct August 14, 2016
    My question: why am I being asked to re-enter the employee's tax details on edit?

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff August 14, 2016

I’ll have a look for you now. Was the p2c file the latest p2c file?

  1. theproduct August 14, 2016
    I believe so
  2. theproduct August 14, 2016
    I'll check the ROS for another file. The employee started on Jul01 so th p2c was generated then
  3. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    So when I look at James Byrne I notice two things.
    He's been terminated
    There are no tax details
    Is this the correct James Byrne, see here? http://recordit.co/Mo4MlrfVQo
  4. theproduct August 14, 2016
    Hey Pete
  5. theproduct August 14, 2016
    James was initially added to our first company "The Product Works"
  6. theproduct August 14, 2016
    this was an error so I marked him as terminated some time ago
  7. theproduct August 14, 2016
    Instead, he works for our 2nd company, "Payment Works Services Limited"
  8. theproduct August 14, 2016
    his employee record for this 2nd company is active, whereas he shows as terminated in the 1st company
  9. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    Ok I'll have a look there
  10. theproduct August 14, 2016
    Sorry, I should have mentioned the company...
  11. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    Did you create him manually or use the P2C file?
  12. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    There don't seem to be any tax details bar tax allowance and cut off. Can you download the latest p2c file from your ROS account (not the one on your computer) and upload it into Bullet.
    * Just make sure James has been added to the ROS file by Revenue.
    Let me know how you get on with that.
  13. theproduct August 14, 2016
    I've downloaded the P2C from Revenue and reviewed it... it looks like there's no USC details:
  14. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    Ok so get onto ROS but you won't be able to just open the file.
    Anyway - contact ROS and make sure all your employees are up to date. Once up to date download the file and upload into Bullet (DON'T OPEN THE FILE PRIOR YOU'LL CORRUPT IT).
    Llet me know how you get on.
  15. theproduct August 14, 2016
    Cheers. I've asked the employee to ring Revenue as well to check his records
  16. Peter Connor August 14, 2016
    Cool, they update it pretty quick and usually just need the Emp name, address and pps.
    Then upload it into Bullet and we take care of everything else. We're nice like that :)

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