Hi John, I am entering in invoices and they relate to the last tax period the problem is I have made a mistake and now it will not allow me edit the invoice I am finding the same problem on Expense side even though I will pick these items up in this VAT return as is normal. How do you get around this. Plus I want to change the VAT returns to accruals basis as opposed to remittance basis…
Hi John, I am entering in invoices and they relate to the last tax period the problem is I have made a mistake and now it will not allow me edit the invoice I am finding the same problem on Expense side even though I will pick these items up in this VAT return as is normal. How do you get around this. Plus I want to change the VAT returns to accruals basis as opposed to remittance basis…
So if you want to create a new company account in Bullet, any name as you can rename it later.
Let me know that name and we'll convert it to the diff vat basis.
Once done you can renter you data.
We'll then delete the old account for you.
Let me know when you've the new account setup and I'll get tech to migrate it.
Tks p
Let me know when your starting and I can guide you threw.
Tks P
So if you want to start the data transfer tomorrow we'll need to migrate the account tonight. So you'll need to set up the new company today.