Workflow suggestion: from the page of viewing a particular payslip, having a shortcut link to "Mark payslip as paid" would be very helpful. I share the URL of payslips with my bookkeeper as we work through our books monthly, and it would be helpful to be able to pay a payslip from that screen. Eoin

Workflow suggestion: from the page of viewing a particular payslip, having a shortcut link to “Mark payslip as paid” would be very helpful. I share the URL of payslips with my bookkeeper as we work through our books monthly, and it would be helpful to be able to pay a payslip from that screen. Eoin

1 answer

Peter Connor Staff November 14, 2016

What screen exactly are you talking about.
Does your book keeper have a login. They should be able to access everything.
Tks P

  1. Hi Pete. I'm talking about the screen that I get to when I navigate to Wages > Overview > [click a person's name to get to their payslip].
    From that screen I can "Send payslip", for example. Having a "Mark payslip as paid" from this screen is what would be handy.
  2. Yes, the bookkeeper logs in, and we share the URL of this specific page I described between us, since at the time we're sharing an unpaid payslip that she's getting me to pay and mark as paid.
  3. Peter Connor November 14, 2016
    Ah cool. Indeed that makes sense. We could do a bit more work on the payroll.
    Ah, it's pretty easy to navigate but sharing URLS will work.

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