Workflow suggestion: from the page of viewing a particular payslip, having a shortcut link to "Mark payslip as paid" would be very helpful. I share the URL of payslips with my bookkeeper as we work through our books monthly, and it would be helpful to be able to pay a payslip from that screen. Eoin
Workflow suggestion: from the page of viewing a particular payslip, having a shortcut link to “Mark payslip as paid” would be very helpful. I share the URL of payslips with my bookkeeper as we work through our books monthly, and it would be helpful to be able to pay a payslip from that screen. Eoin
From that screen I can "Send payslip", for example. Having a "Mark payslip as paid" from this screen is what would be handy.
Ah, it's pretty easy to navigate but sharing URLS will work.